BNLD Western Balkans



“Catalogue” of inspiring stories about Non Formal Education

Ивана Велкова
/ Categories: Resource hub
“Catalogue” of inspiring stories about Non Formal Education 1620 0

Year of publication: 2020
Authors: LDA Mostar
Available in following language: English, Slovenian, Bulgarian

Youth Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning aims at promoting participation in Non Formal Education activities and the power of validation and recognition of competences acquired outside the formal education environment through an innovative methodology.The project wants to take into consideration what has been done so far within this area, research for best practices and successful stories, and get ready to go on the field to reinforce the importance of Non Formal Learning.

This Catalogue collect inspiring stories of young people that, thanks to Non Formal Education, built a personal or professional path, identifying their way to arrive there and how did they manage to make it important for their future. Each partner organiyation from 11 communities collected at least 5 stories, leading to this “Catalogue”, which will be one of the tools used by the Youth Ambassadors to promote Non Formal Learning.

Special thank to more than 50 young “Ambassadors of Non Formal Learning” who have shared their inspiring stories with all of us. Thank to the all project partners: Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto (Novo mesto / Slovenia); The Future Now Association (Sofia / Bulgaria); Kosovo Center of Diplomacy (Prishtina / Kosovo*); United Societies of Balkans (Thessaloniki / Greece); Youth 4 Society (Tirana / Albania); Center for Intercultural Dialogue (Kumanovo / North Macedonia); Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet – ZID (ADP-ZID) (Podgorica / Montenegro); NGO IUVENTA (Šabac / Serbia); Turk Girisim ve Is Dunyasi Konfederasyonu (Istanbul / Turkey); TDM 2000 (Cagliari / Italy). Project is supported by: Erasmus+ (KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Youth) and Institut za razvoj mladih KULT. Catalogue has been published by Local Democracy Agency Mostar (LDA Mostar).

Download the “Catalogue” of inspiring stories about Non Formal Education below.


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